Thursday, December 30, 2010

30 things I want

With the New Year fastly approaching I am gonna list 30 things I want to change and hope to happen in 2011. Steve always tells me that the power of positive thinking makes positive things happen. I am starting to finally see (well admit) that he might be right. He is always happy, smiling, and positive dispite a pretty rough childhood and life. He says he knew if he kept going and stayed positive his life would change and he would find happiness ~ He said on Jan 10 2008 (our first date) he finally got his reward and found true happiness when he found me ~ Thank You God for bringing me Steve.

Below I listed 30 things I want to happen in 2011 ~ I encourage you to do the same ~ Write the list read it often and stay positive :)

1.Get Pregnant *****
2.Find a good job
3. Lose 40lbs
4. Smile and Laugh more
5. Stop being a negative nelly
6. get my diabetes under control
7.Get back to church everyweek like I used to
8.Spend more time with my Gramothers
9. Watch my tongue and how I talk to people
10.Blog at least 2 times a week
11. Go on vacation
12.Get a family photo done
13.Start grief counseling
14.go to an Eagles football game
15.Pay off one large debt
16.get a bigger apartment
17.Go to the gym 3xs a week
18.Get on a budget
19.Plan our meals weekly
20.ROADTRIP with my girls
21.spend alone time with each of my brothers
22.have a slumber party with tracy and lydia
23.go to a good concert
24.Mom and I have our weekend together
25.Do the frog garden with Sabrina ********
26.get Steve a newer car
27.Get rid of clutter
28.paint the bathroom
29.clean out the front room
30.Put things in Gods hands and try and stop worrying so much